
Rahul Roy

I've had an interest in dancing since childhood and the very first inspiration has been my elder sister.

My mentor, Tuban sir taught me dancing and became my major inspiration, and his ways of dancing mesmerized me. 

While following his style I started teaching kids and also started learning about Hip Hop style and where the style came from. Everything I've learned is from Tuban sir. I've also had inspiration from Matt Steffanina whom I idolize to date...

My journey started 18 years back! The very first place I worked as an assistant instructor was in Laketown(step n rhythm) and then I've got the opportunity to be an instructor in Behala(The Tarrang)... And for a very long time, I really wanted to be the instructor in Twist n Turns which came true. I really love hip-hop dance style and I've done many shows. It is the utmost important thing which I live for, it helps me express my emotions... The journey had started with a lot of struggles yet I held onto it. Later on, I was satisfied with the fruitful results of my efforts and still looking forward to achieving more things in dance life.

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